Opportunities to Serve
Ushers hand out bulletins as people enter the sanctuary, direct the flow of people from the pews to take communion and take a count of attendance. After the service, they tidy the pews and hymnals and refill the envelope holders on the back of the pews as needed.
If you have a great speaking voice, being a lector may be a great option for you! Lectors read the lessons before the Gospel each Sunday.
Volunteers greet people as they enter the narthex and welcome both members and visitors so everyone feels welcome at FSP.
Communion Assistants
Assistants help the Pastor distribute communion each Sunday.
Altar Guild
Altar guild members set up communion before church each Sunday and stay after the service briefly to clean the communion elements.
Fellowship Hour
If hosting get-togethers is more your style, fellowship hour is for you! Volunteers provide food and drink for fellowship hour after the worship service.
Sunday School Teachers
Volunteers assist by leading children through Bible stories and leading craft projects.