Music at First Saint Paul’s
“I place music next to theology and give it the highest praise.”
For Lutherans, music is a high priority. Martin Luther himself took a strong stand in favor of music in worship; for him it was a gift of God, second only to theology in its importance. Luther promoted music as the “living voice of the Gospel,” that is, a way in which the Gospel could be proclaimed. Music in the Lutheran Church finds its purpose in that proclamation, both to carry the words and the message of the Gospel, but also to help us respond to God’s Word. In our worship, music is found in the hymns and liturgy sung by the congregation, in the leadership of the choir, and in the participation of the organ and other instruments.
Worshipers at First Saint Paul’s will find enthusiastic singing of a rich body of hymnody which spans from the time of the early church to very recent compositions.

The choir gives musical leadership to the liturgy on Sundays and sings a rich variety of a cappella and accompanied music by composers of the Christian tradition, including Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, and Mendelssohn, as well as composers of our time. Our enthusiastic and diverse group of singers gathers from across the Chicagoland area, and enjoys fellowship in music-making and offering musical leadership to the congregation.
The choir rehearses on Sundays from 8:30-9:15 a.m. and one Saturday morning per month. We welcome singers in all voice ranges.
The choir sings:
for Sunday morning worship two to three times per month from September through May
special music for festival services, such as during Holy Week and Easter
an annual Christmas Concert with soloists and orchestra
For more information, please contact Dr. Steven Wente
Instrumentalists and Singers
Instrumentalists frequently assist in leading hymns and liturgy, as well as playing pieces for prelude and postlude. Individual singers help lead when the choir is not singing. Sometimes guest instrumentalists and singers, professionals from the Chicago area, participate. If you are interested in playing or singing, please contact Steven Wente.
“It was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.” - 2 Chronicles 5:13
Instruments at First Saint Paul’s
The organ at First Saint Paul’s was installed in October 1972, and dedicated February 4, 1973. The dedication recital featured the choirs of The Lutheran Church of St. Luke, Chicago, and First Saint Paul’s, brass and string instruments, and the renowned organist, Paul Manz.
The organ was designed by Paul G. Bunjes, Professor of Music at Concordia University Chicago, and the designer/consultant for numerous instruments from the 1950s through the 1980s. It was built by the Schlicker Organ Company of Buffalo, New York, which was at the time one of the leading pipe organ builders in the United States. The organ is small, having only nine ranks (sets) of pipes, but it fulfills well its primary function in worship to lead congregational singing and to provide attendant music. The organ is housed in an impressive case at the rear of the church.
Other Instruments
First Saint Paul’s has a fine Yamaha grand piano, which is used for hymns, liturgy, choral accompaniments, and solo pieces as appropriate. Sometimes the organ and piano are heard together. The church also has access to a small Burton harpsichord, which can be used for choral or instrumental accompaniment.