New Member Class
Thank you for your interest in joining First Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod! We are warm and welcoming congregation committed to proclaiming Christ, nurturing faith, and serving others.
Periodically throughout the year, new members meet with pastor to learn the beliefs of the Lutheran church. Luther’s Small Catechism is used for discussion of the Ten Commandments, The Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Pastor Leininger calls it the Basic Lutheran Teachings class. Join Pastor Leininger on Saturdays at noon as we discuss the essentials of Christianity through Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Those desiring church membership are encouraged to attend. All are welcome to sit in for a review or just to learn more. Pastor Leinninger is happy to meet with people individually at a more convenient time.
To find out more, contact the church office.
What does joining our church mean?
You will receive Pastoral care and support from fellow Christians for your walk of faith. Members participate fully in our worship life and receive the sacraments as instituted by Christ. Those who join remain active in the work and support of our mission. Finally, they join their “Amen” to ours, confessing the Faith as it is revealed in Holy Scripture and articulated in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.
There are five ways to become a member of First Saint Paul’s:
Baptism: The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is for people of all ages. Infants and children brought into the family of God through baptism are considered “Baptized Members.”
Confirmation: Baptized Members of First Saint Paul’s can go through a two-year period of instruction beginning in middle school (typically, 7th grade). At the end of this time, the youth may choose to renew their baptismal faith in the Rite of Confirmation.
Profession of Faith: Adults who are interested in joining First Saint Paul’s may enroll in our New Member Class, where they will explore our Church’s teachings and practice. The course is wonderful review for all Christians of the essentials of the Faith.
Letter of Transfer: If you are currently a member of another congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, you may request that your membership be transferred to First Saint Paul’s. Contact your former congregation and ask them to send us a “Letter of Transfer”; or simply reach out to our church office.
Associate Membership: Those worshipping with us seasonally, or in the area for a time (i.e., school, work, or extended travel), and who wish to retain their home-congregation’s membership, may join as “Associate Members”. Although not voting members, Associate Members receive pastoral care and Christian support, share our confession of faith, and support the work and ministry of First Saint Paul’s.
Pastor Leininger is also happy to meet with people individually, whatever their circumstance, wherever they are in their walk, and however they may have connected with First Saint Paul’s. Please reach out to him directly for membership inquiries:; 708-606-5055