“Gladly, Freely, of Your Own”
2025 Stewardship Initiative Theme
Our Stewardship 2025 Initiative continues as we prayerfully consider how best to offer our time, our talents and our treasure to continue the mission of First Saint Paul’s Church. Your Commitment card can be filled out anonymously below, sent by mail or dropped in the offering plate at worship service. These plans help the church council as it works on the 2025 budget for the congregation. If you have talents you would like to share or time to volunteer to assist with worship service as lector, communion assistant, usher, cross bearer, book bearer, host at Fellowship Hour, etc., please notify the church office at office@fspauls.org

Time and Talent Survey
Below is a link to a time and talent survey which enables you to share the ways that you are currently participating at First Saint Paul’s and how you might like to participate in the future. Please complete both portions of the time and talent survey and drop it in the offering plate following the worship service or complete the electronic survey which will be sent to the office of First Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church.
Please complete and submit the Commitment card offering your time, talent, and treasure to support the ministry of First Saint Paul's during 2025. The Commitment card is anonymous. Thank you for your generous support of our ministry.

Stewardship Sundays:
Join us for Stewardship Sundays this Fall!