Contact us.
1301 N LaSalle Drive | Chicago, IL 60610
Directions to First Saint Paul’s:
First Saint Paul’s is located at 1301 N LaSalle Drive at the corner of Goethe Street and LaSalle Drive.
Free parking is available at the Franklin School parking lot two blocks west of the church.
You can download a parking pass here to put on your dashboard or pick one up at the church. (See the map on the back side of the pass. Parking is available on Sundays until 2 PM and on holidays or for special events.)
First Saint Paul’s is easily accessible from CTA’s Red Line (Clark & Division subway stop) the #22 Clark Street bus, the #36 Broadway bus, and the #151 Sheridan bus. On weekdays the #156 LaSalle stops right at the corner of LaSalle Drive and Goethe Street.